When to decide on a hearing test? Rectangle1116 shutterstock15138471171111 Hearing problems negatively affect many aspects of life. They hinder communication and clear speaking, lead to cognitive function disorders, and thus often prevent the acquisition of knowledge and professional work. According to the WHO, advanced hearing loss can lead to social isolation, stigma and loneliness; translates into a deterioration of the social and material situation. Adults with hearing loss are at risk of unemployment, often doing jobs below their competence and for lower pay. Take care of your hearing! Hearing tests and its results do not need to be afraid. Hearing loss is not a sentence! In some situations, hearing can be regained; in others, learn to function without sounds. Available rehabilitation measures for people with hearing loss include:
use of hearing technologies such as hearing aids, cochlear implants and middle ear implants;
use of sign language and other sensory substitution means, such as speech reading;
rehabilitation therapy, which aims to improve perceptual abilities and develop communication and language skills.
Rectangle1122 Rectangle6130 Rectangle2117 Rectangle3121 Deterioration of hearing does not always mean hearing loss. Sometimes it is caused by problems within the ear canal, such as excessive deposition of earwax in the ears or damaged eardrum. In such situations, a hearing aid is not needed, and good hearing can be recovered using simple and painless methods. Hearing tests can be divided into objective and subjective tests. An objective hearing test is performed using equipment that does not require cooperation with the tested person, because it does not affect its final result. Objective hearing tests are, for example, tympanometry or acoustic otoemission. Subjective hearing test is carried out with the participation of the examined person, e.g. a simple hearing test, tonal audiometry or high-frequency audiometry.

Take care of your hearing without fear! Remember: these methods are painless, non-invasive and completely safe.
Do you always need a hearing aid? What is a hearing test? Regular hearing checks are recommended to everyone, especially people over 50 years of age. Do you experience a decrease in hearing or suffer from unpleasant listening sensations, such as crackling or humming? These are also indications for hearing testing. How does hearing deterioration affect everyday life? Is it worth testing hearing? Rectangle4126 Rectangle5129 Ellipse1131 Ellipse3153 Ellipse2146
Rectangle8143 I had a lot of fears before the study, but unnecessarily. It didn't hurt and lasted very short. A very nice lady explained the results to me in detail and helped me in choosing a hearing aid. Thanks to this, I can hear much better and the children do not say that I yell at them. I am calmer and very grateful. Joanna
Rectangle8148 I waited too long to study. I was scared because I thought I was deaf. I just tried not to think about it. My wife persuaded me to take a test. And thank God! It turned out that I had earwax plugged... A bit of a shame, but it turned out well. All it took was a good rinse. In this way, I regained good hearing! And I'm no longer afraid of deafness. Anonymous
Rectangle8155 I've been hearing a little worse for a few weeks now. It didn't bother me very, just a little. But when I found out about this study, I thought it was worth using. It turned out that I had an infection. It was enough to use the drops for a week and all the trouble passed. So in a few days I regained good hearing and probably avoided worse trouble. Maria
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Take care of your hearing and live life to the fullest